It's time for What's the Word? Weekend number TEN! :D
Alright so, the news I have for this weekend is:
The Bad News:
My full was rejected. Not once; but twice. I wish this was an April Fool's joke ... but it's not, haha.
The first rejection I got was on Monday, and it was from the agent that I got my second full request from. I actually wrote my initial reaction on Monday (but decided to save it until today to share it with you guys). Here's what I quickly jotted down:
I got a rejection on the full request from the second agent. It hurt, a lot ... I got it Monday, but decided to wait until now during WWW to talk about it. I was kinda depressed on Monday; the agent didn't say why he was rejecting it ... it was a form rejection. So, I don't know ... it stinks, but I'm trying not to get too discouraged since I have three others out there ... it just stinks because all I've been thinking about ever since I read the email is why he would reject it, you know? Like, I knew going into this process that I was going to get rejections on fulls too, but I can't help but wonder: is it something about my story, or is it just a preference (because if it's something about the story, I wish I knew what it was so that I could fix it before I get three more rejections, you know)?
So that's what I wrote on Monday (in anticipation of posting this post).
THEN I got my second full rejection this past Friday ... that really depressed me. TWO full rejections within days of each other?! Just my luck ... seriously.
And then to top it all off, a few people who sent their manuscripts either on the same day as me or after I sent mine to the first agent that asked for my full have gotten responses. At first I thought, since they were rejections, that I was perhaps in her "maybe" pile or something (which I guess is still possible). ... But then I happened to read an old blog post of hers that she's not 100% on the ban wagon for young writers (aka writers that haven't reached their late twenties yet), however she doesn't necessarily say "no" to them right away (in case she misses something special). This same agent also posted about how she doesn't normally read in order of how the submissions come in (as I'm sure many agents do, but there are writers who wait MONTHS to hear from her, where as others hear from her within days (all of whom have gotten rejections from what I've read, whether the wait was long or short)). I know that I'm getting way ahead of myself because I DON'T know what's going on in her mind, if she's even looked at my manuscript since I sent it to her or what not; but I can't help but feel like mine was moved more towards the bottom of her "To read" pile because of my age. I guess I'm just frustrated with myself because now I'm thinking that I maybe should have just queried her without saying that I am a college student (kind of like Kody Keplinger did when she was querying The DUFF as a high school student).
But anyways, that's my "rant" for the weekend.
The Good News:
Ummm .... hmmmm.
I don't know. This has been a pretty bad week for me personally haha.
The only good news I can think of is that I still feel VERY blessed to have two full requests still out there at the end of the day.
While I'm somewhat doubtful about the first agent who still has my full, I'm really hoping that the other agent (agent number four) likes my book! She's definitely been one of my favorites throughout all of this; she and her agency love to take on debut authors and help them not only get their book published, but essentially build a career for themselves. I don't know, I just .... I'm probably jinxing myself here by talking about her, but I can't help but keep my fingers and toes crossed for this one! I've talked to one of her clients (as I told you last weekend), and she had nothing but good things to say about this agent, which makes it that much more exciting!
Also, before I got that second rejection on Friday, I was talking to one of that agent's former clients, and she basically told me that she didn't have the best experience with him, nor did a few other former clients she knows have success with him. So I think at the end of the day I'm happy that he didn't want to take on my novel from what I've heard about him from this reliable source with firsthand knowledge.
Alright everyone, that's all for this weekend! Hopefully next week is a better week overall for me in general! Until next time folks! :)
I'd love to hear any tricks/jokes you guys are planning on playing today and/or any that you have played in the past and/or any that have gotten played on you!
X <3 O
This is my year, this is my time, this is my now.
sorry to hear about the rejections, they always suck but at least you still have some hope. good luck.
ReplyDeleteYeah rejections do always suck ... especially when it seems like they keep on rolling in.
DeleteThanks Tiffany :)