Thursday, January 29, 2015

Feature & Follow Friday #37

It's time for Feature & Follow Friday number thirty-seven!!!

It's been a while since I've done a FF, but here goes nothing!
Let's take a look at this week's question:

QUESTION: Hard print (real thing) or Kindle/Nook, which is your favorite?

ANSWER: My answer as a reader: I think I prefer hard print because there's just something special about being able to hold a physical copy of the book in your hands. And who doesn't love that new book smell as you flip through the pages?

My answer as a writer: I like Kindle/Nook because it allows readers to obtain a copy of a book easier (and faster) no matter where they live in the world.

So I guess it's kind of a toss up for me, and it depends on whether I have my reader's hat on or my writer's hat on!

Well, that's all for this Friday, folks! Until next time! :D

X <3 O
J.B. Kantt


  1. What a great perspective between reader and writer. :)
    New GFC follower
    My FF

  2. The convenience of an ebook is wonderful. But I think the feel of a real book night edge out convenience a bit. I do read both real books and ebooks though.

    New follower Sara @ ramblings of a booknerd

  3. I love hardcopies but there are times when I'm glad I bought the book on Kindle because I end up not liking the book so it's not a waste of space on my shelf. But If I like the book I'm reading on Kindle, I'll buy the hadrcopy of it to entombed on my shelf! :D
    Azee @ UnderCover Critique
    Check out my My FF Post!

  4. Hard prints are really lovely. There are pros and cons to both but I would pick the hard print over kindle :)
    I'm a new follower, you have a very lovely blog. :)

  5. Good answers! I highly agree with them too!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I love them both, for reasons similar to yours. The anticipation of opening up a new book is so powerful. But instant gratification on Kindle is hard to not love. My decision? I love and use both.

    You have a beautiful blog, love the design.

    New follower on Bloglovin'

    My FF this week

  7. I completely agree with you!! As much as I love hard backs, ebooks are easier to obtain and definitely less expensive. ;)

    New GFC follower!

    Betsy @ I Sold My Soul For Books

  8. See, I can honestly say that I love them both for different reasons. I love collecting my physical copies and I still do for certain author's/series/etc. But, then I also purchase books for the Kindle, when I want to take a less expensive chance on a new-to-me book/author. :)

    Happy Reading and Hopping Through! :)
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  9. I collect physical copies of all my favorites, but I prefer my Kindle for everything else otherwise I'd be drowning in books at home!

    New GFC follower!

    Here's my FF

  10. Ooh, I never thought about it from a writer's point of view! Great point! I'm a new GFC follower.
    Check out my FF

  11. I absolutely love your site!!!
    Check out my
