Thursday, February 23, 2012

Follow me Friday! #5

Hooray!! It's time for another Follow Friday!!!! :D

Alright, so let's look at this week's question...:

Question: Activity!!! Take a picture or describe where you love to read the most....

Answer: This is a simple one for me. I LOVE reading in or on my bed. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I say "in or on" because it depends what exactly I'm reading for: if I'm reading for the fun of it, then I don't mind reading while in my bed (ie: under the covers, head on the pillow, etc.); however, if I'm reading for school or something like that, I like to read on my bed (ie: on top of the covers), because otherwise I'm afraid that I might fall asleep. ;)
Whenever I'm reading for school, I either do it on my bed, on the couch, or at a desk (although my back and neck start to hurt sometimes if I sit too long at the desk, and even when I'm reading on my bed if I'm not in that comfortable of a position). I also don't mind reading in my school's library when I'm doing homework and what not, especially since there chairs are pretty comfortable (depending on which library I go to).
I can't say I've ever read in a bookstore; well no, I think I have once, but I forget why I was sitting in there reading. I normally go into a bookstore already knowing what book I want to buy, so I just take it home to read it there. :)

That's all for this Friday folks! Time to go study for a Spanish quiz I have tomorrow ... adios! :)

X <3 O


  1. I'm the same way. Lol. I like your blog its pretty. New follower.:D Good luck on your Spanish quiz! My FF:

  2. My bad is where I read too! Such a comfy place :)

    Your blog is beautiful!

    My FF

    1. Yes, the bed is a SUPER comfy place!

      Thank you Lauren! :)

  3. Hi :)
    Love your header! :)
    Beds are always comfy! Good luck on your Spanish test your studying for!;)

    I'm a New GFC follower btw.

    Happy Friday
    My FF:

    1. Thanks so much Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy!!!! :D

  4. A fellow bed fan! My favorite places to read are on the train and in my bed.

    New follower!
    Follow me back?

  5. you're right, the bed is the perfect place I agree with you!

    old follower

    here is mine

    1. Haha thanks for agreeing with me Melliane! :)

  6. I agree coz thats my fav tooooo

    old Follower - come n visit me sometime


  7. I do the same!! I love reading in my bed. Or on it really! It's just comfy! And I do the same with the bookstore too! That's funny! I think I did read in it once too as I waiting for friends!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Haha I'm glad to see that someone agrees with me about bookstores :D

      Hope you're having a great weekend Jessica! :)

  8. Hello! Visiting and following from the blog hop. I'm with you - I never read in a book shop, too busy grabbing!

    1. Hahaha when you say grabbing it makes me think of there being like a stampede in the bookstore because of a sale!
      ...Lol I don't know why...

      Thanks for stopping by Deborah! :)

  9. Hey! I am your latest member! I love the picture at the top of your blog! Seriously - it is one of the best I have seen.

    1. Thanks for following Libby!
      Aw, thanks so much for the compliments! I definitely have freyjasilver to thank for the beauty of my layout. :)

  10. Reading in (or on) the bed is great! I can hear my bed calling me. :D
    New GFC follower.
    Here's my FF:

    1. Lol my bed is ALWAYS calling me ;)

      Thanks for stopping by Cayce! :)

  11. Comfortable is the perfect way to read.

    1. I couldn't have said it better myself TBM :)

      Thanks for stopping by!!!

  12. Tag! You're it!

    Read more about this here:

    Why is there Spanish Quizzes on Saturday?

    1. Lol you're the THIRD person to tag me!
      I promise I will respond to your (and the other two peoples') "Tag" as soon as I can! :)

      And sorry, I actually posted this FF on Thursday night, so I was studying for the quiz I had Friday morning ... but I forgot people were going to be reading this on Friday ... oops :)

  13. Your header is super cute. I agree, bed reading is the best.

    #New Follower

    Here's my #FF

  14. Great place :) I hate spanish!

    New Follower!

    Bri @ Kindling the Fire
    My FF

    1. Haha Bri! I wouldn't say I hate it ... I just wish I had a choice as to whether or not I take the class (which I don't ... if I want to graduate from my college, I have to take a certain number/level of classes).

      Thanks for following! :)

  15. Hi there! I'm a new follower...and I love your reading spot! It's definitely my have place, too. If I'm reading for a class, it's usually on my stomach across the bed so that, like you, I don't fall asleep. If it's for enjoyment though I tend to snuggle under a blanket if reading for enjoyment.

    I hope you stop by my FF post. :)

    1. Thanks for following Ree!

      I totally agree with you ... except for the snuggling part, because knowing me, snuggling under a blanket is enough to put me to sleep. :)

  16. I love reading on my bed! It's the only place where I can properly concentrate! It doesn't work as well if I'm on a couch and the TV's just looming up in front of me. ;)

    Old follower!
    My Follow Friday

    1. Hahahaha reading when the TV's on NEVER works for me. Sometimes I can write while the TV's on (low volume, a show that I'm not that into, etc.), but I'm already a slow enough reader when the TV's off. :D
